Medical Specimen Transport
Same Day Local or Statewide
Mass. & NH Line Hauls
Rates, Routes & Locations
Cutting Edge Technology
Uniship obtains highest efficiency in 30 years!
At unannounced times of the year, Uniship tracks and monitors various segments of its extensive route system, involving several criteria. Among those aspects evaluated are: pick-up and delivery success rate; transport items accounted for as safe and complete; and customer satisfaction with the Uniship Courier engagement. Recently, multiple Bangor In-Town Routes collectively scored a 99.6% success rate, with one route scoring an amazing 99.85%. Congratulations to the expert Uniship Couriers, the entire Dispatch Team, and the reliable logistics monitors each doing their part to serve our customers well.
Uniship integrates latest software technology
In 2017 Uniship installed, and continues to configure and refine, a top-to-bottom technology overhaul. Beginning in the fourth quarter of 2017, Uniship began operating with new and exciting additional features all designed to continue providing our customers with state-of-the-art courier services. Online customer portals for tracking, scanning and billing; automatic and standard dispatching, instantaneous data exchange, and multiple other upgrades will be fully operational.
Uniship moves into new 12,000 sq. ft. facility
As of May 2017, Uniship moved into a new 12,000 sq. foot facility located at 10 Iron Road in Hermon. The new facilities allow for safety-first operational space; custom layout design for maximum efficiencies in transports, exchanges and warehousing of select inventories; and smartly arranged administration offices for ultra-responsive route planning, dispatching and custom proposals. It’s an exciting time for this booming Courier company and we look forward to making all of your courier needs safely fulfilled.